Monday, April 27, 2015

April Updates

    March came and went pretty fast, much like any spring here in Oklahoma. April showers are definitely going to bring May flowers, as we get some much needed rain to fill up our lakes for triathlon season. Oklahoma is in the drought-area predicted for the next 50-100 years, so high lake levels will be a rare luxury, and we will need to enjoy if we get them!
    Not too long after March in Okarche, I got another wave of illness that put a dent into my training and especially running. A mild fever that quickly translated into a week or more of bronchitis and coughing up all colors of phlegm made for a fun early April. I kept swimming since it was the easiest activity for my lungs and kept me from coughing too much, but biking was seriously cut down and running was a big NO.
     Before I got sick, though, I signed up for a duathlon relay with Brian and raced with his friends Melanie and Michael, both who were doing their first duathlons ever at the Iron Pig race in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Even though I knew it was going to be an ugly run leg for me, it was too much of an opportunity to spend time with him and his friends that it was worth an extra day of coughing. Even with taking it pretty easy on the run legs, Brian pulled a very strong bike leg and we ended up getting second overall for the co-ed relay (and second only to a team of one girl for the first bike leg, one guy for the bike, and another guy for the second 5K). I finally could also wear my Oiselle Team kit for a running race, which I normally can't do for triathlon. Overall it was great to see Mel and Michael kick butt (with Mel getting third in her age group for her first duathlon) and race with Brian on his birthday weekend :).
Brian and I with our second-place co-ed team buckle awards. Not pictured: the 2 boxes of Gatorade Gu's and box of Lemonaritas Beer we won in the raffle...jury's still out if they were actually "prizes".
     With my lungs nearly back to normal, I thought I also could attempt to do the Redbud double I had also signed up for before I got sick. With the 50miler bike that Saturday and the 10K the following Sunday, I wanted to do it as a good endurance race of how I would feel running after a longer, harder ride the day before. The Saturday ride was a lot of fun, averaging about 19.8 on my roadbike with a group of guys towards the end that had a nice mix of road cyclists and triathletes. The weather held off to the end for us, and thankfully only started to pour right after we were done. After stuffing our faces with pancakes and funny flavored Kind bars (Honey Mustard??), it was time to recover for the 10K the next day which thankfully was in the afternoon. With warmer temperatures on Sunday but a nice healthy breeze (as usual...when is it not windy in Oklahoma?), my legs felt kinda sluggish from the day before and definitely didn't have any "oomph" for the run. Travis Newton stayed with me for most of the race, and Pascal was pretty close behind too as we pushed through for a modest 42 minute 10K. My goal was to be around 42 or under, so I was pretty close. With my best times on the road being in the low 40's and hopefully getting back to that pace later in the season with actual run training under my belt, I was fine with that. A third place finish despite not being in top form also was a really nice surprise.
Working with fellow STOKE team member Travis Newton to the finish of the 10K. Boy that one hurt. Thanks Brian for the photo!
    The last update for April is that I obviously was not going to do the Memorial Half Marathon. Last year it was awesome being able to run it and get third, but this year my body was definitely not in shape to handle 13 miles at this point. It was fantastic hearing and seeing all the amazing race results of my friends, though. Next year!!
     May is looking to be mostly traveling for work and family and trying to fit in training as best as I can while doing so (thankfully being my own boss-of sorts-means I can take my bike and trainer with me on the road). I'm hoping I can do Rt. 66 this year, but it will depend on how much I can do this month. Since my museum job is my career and my source of income, it comes first. However, with Redman and Worlds being my focus in September, thankfully June and July are less travel-intensive to get some good training months.
      Upward and onward!

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